Membership Directory by Discipline
This directory include brief vitae of the members of VASE, outlining their expertise and interests, and providing contact information. Please note that some vitae may not be current.
Dr. Grace Ann Spatafora (Microbial Pathogenesis)
Mr. John E. Abele
Dr. Christopher Allen (Inorganic rings and polymers)
Mr. Briar L. Alpert
Mr. Steven W. Arms
Dr. Bruce D. Beynnon
Dr. Alan K. Betts
Mr. Ernest B. Blood
Dr. Edwin G. Bovill
Dr. John Bramley
Dr. Alain J. Brizard
Dr. John M. Burke
Dr. Robert C. Dean, Jr.
Computer Science
Dr. Daniel Scharstein (Computer Vision)
Dr. Edith D. Hendley (2002)
Dr. John R. Hughes (2000)
Dr. Robert J. Johnson (2011)
Dr. Howard Kalter (1997)
Jane Barbara Lian
Dr. Wolfgang K. Liebmann
Dr. Jerold F. Lucey
Dr. Sylvie Doublie (2013)
Dr. Lesley-Ann Dupigny-Giroux (2015)
Dr. Ted B. Flanagan (2002)
Dr. Naomi K. Fukagawa (2008)
Dr. Richard A. Galbraith (2003)
Dr. William E. Geiger, Jr. (2009)
Dr. Nicholas J. Gotelli (2013)
Dr. Richard M. Greenwald (2006)
Mr. L. Frederick Hackett (1996)
Dr. David Harame (2015)
Dr. Bernd Heinrich (1997)
Mr. Peter Heinz (1998)
Mr. Jeff Finkelstein (Embedded Microcomputer Systems)
Dr. John Cohn (Electronic Design Automation, IoT, AI )
Dr. Emmett Hughlett (Electrical Engineering)
Dr. A. Paul Krapcho
Dr Christopher C. Landry
Dr. Louis M. Larosiliere
Mr. Matthys Levy
Donna M. Rizzo (2016)
Dr. Sallie P. Sheldon (2006)
Dr Gary S. Stein
Janet Swinehart Stein (2016)
Dr. Paula B. Tracy (2003)
Dr. Judith Van Houten (2008)
Dr. Jim Vigoreaux (2015)
Dr. Patricia L. Manley (2005)
Dr. Kenneth G. Mann (1996)
Dr. Dwight E. Matthews (2007)
Dr. David Maughan (2004)
Dr. Brooke T. Mossman (2000)
Dr. Mark T. Nelson (1998)
Dr. Colin Osborne (2007)
Dr. George F. Pinder (2007)
Dr. P. Frank Winkler (Astrophysics)
Dr. Stephen F. Knowlton (Plasma Physics)
Dr. Susan S. Wallace
Dr. Gary E. Ward
Dr. David M. Warshaw
Dr. William T. Wickner
Dr. Junru Wu
Mr. Tsukasa Yoshinaka
Deceased Members
Dr. Norman R. Alpert (1996)
Dr. John A. Bevan (1999)
Dr. Dale Critchlow (1996)
Robert C. Dean, Jr. (2023)
Dr. Paula Fives-Taylor (1996)
L. Frederick Hackett (2018)
Dr. Mahlon Hoagland (1996)
Mr. Edwin E. Kintner(1997)
Dr. Andrew Paul Krapcho (2024)
Dr. Martin E. Kuehne (2017)
Dr. Jerold F. Lucey (2017)
Dr. Wesley L. Nyborg (1997)
Dr. Henry M. Paynter
Dr. Burton E. Sobel (1996)
Dr. Junru Wu (2022)