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Call for Proposals: VASE Hands-on Science and Technology 
Fall Grant applications will be released on Sept.  1,  2024. 
Applications will be accepted until Sept. 30, and reviewed in Oct. 2024.

Find the application by clicking here


General Information
VASE HOST grants are designed to make it easier for Vermonters to pursue independent project-based technical learning and experimentation of many kinds. these grants are intended to provide funding to support hands-on cooperative learning, preferably project-based, outside of a traditional school classroom setting. This may include science or technology clubs, teams such as robotic clubs, and individual projects. We generally make up to ten awards annually, each typically in the $1000-$1500 range. Larger grants may be considered if funds are available. The Host program is funded with the generous support of the Vermont Technical Council, the VASE Board of Directors, and magnanimous donors.
VASE HOST grants are designed to cover extracurricular and independent experiences only and are not intended to cover in-classroom activities. For those programs please click here to see VASE Small Equipment Grants grants information.
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