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Dr. David Japiske (1999)

Concepts NREC
217 Billings Farm Road
White River Junction, VT 05001-9486


O: (802) 296-2321 x123
H: (802) 649-8874
F: (802) 296-2325



B.Sc. Eng. Case Institute of Technology, 1965 M.Sc. Eng. Purdue University, 1967
Ph.D. Eng. Purdue University, 1968
Post Doctoral Technische Hochschule, Aachen, 1969


Professional Experience:
12/80-present Corporate President/CEO, Concepts ETI, Inc., White River Jct., VT
1973-1980 President, Fluid Machinery Division, Creare, Inc., Hanover, NH
1970-1973 Assistant Project Engineer, Pratt & Whitney Aircraft, East Hartford, CT


Professional Affiliations and Activities:
Member; National Academy of Engineering, 1998
Member; Vermont Academy of Science & Engineering, 1999
President; Vermont Academy of Science & Engineering, 2001-2005
Fellow; American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1971
Senior Member; American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics, 1982
Member; Society of Automotive Engineers
Member; Tau Beta Pi, Pi Tau Sigma, Society of the Sigma Xi


Honors and Awards:
Kent H. Smith Award, Outstanding Member of the Class of 1965,
Case Institute of Technology
NDEA Title IV Fellow, Purdue, 1965-1968
Fulbright Scholar, 1969
National Science Foundation Post Doctoral Fellow, 1969
Recipient of ASME Potter Gold Medal in Thermodynamics, 1992.
Recipient of Outstanding Mechanical Engineer Award; Purdue University, 1997
Recipient of Best JANNAF Modeling and Simulation Paper, 2000
ISROMAC Award for Outstanding Research Contributions in Fluid Dynamics of Rotating Machinery, 2002
Distinguished Engineering Alumnus, Purdue University Schools of Engineering, 2002


Author, co-author, or editor of 10 books on turbomachinery, 37 reviewed papers, 33 conference papers, 177 major engineering project reports, and 60 invited keynote addresses, special lectures, or special courses.


5 patents covering turbine cooling, compressor stability, and diffuser performance


Research Interests:
Advanced performance of pumps and compressors


Teaching Interests:
Compressor, pump and turbine performance
Professor of Mechanical Engineering, University of Vermont (Adjunct)

VASE President,



VASE EIN# 37-1718942



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PO Box 4158
Burlington, VT 05406

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