HOST Grants Previous Grantees
Click on our most recent recipients to read more about their merit
Gale Batismm, Fletcher Free Library, Burlington,“Designing the Future”
Lori Boes, Montpelier Roxbury Public and Twinfield Union Schools, “Capital Robotics FIRST Team #14251”
Mike Cole, 4-H Club of Manchester, “Skystone”
Mark Drapa, Westford School Robotics, “FLL Jr. Pilot Program”
Stephen Farrington, Archytas Education Corp., Bethel, “Hands-On STEM Education Outreach”
Faith James, VT Day School, “Inaugural FIRST LEGO League”
Michelle LaFrancis, Spaulding High School, “Paving a Path to a Better Future”
Karen McCalla, Rutland Area Robotics, "Promoting Kids, Promoting STEM"
Allan Miller, Charlotte Central School, “Coding in Three Dimensions”
Pike Porter, The Schoolhouse, South Burlington, “The Schoolhouse Community Robotics Club”
Andrew Rousseau, North Hero 4-H, “Aluminum Avian Antics”
Benjamin Sevey, Milton High School, “Milton High School Robotics Team”
Thierry Uwilingiyimana, Winooski Middle and High School, “Winooski FIRT Robotics Team”
Ken Cadow, Randolph Union High School, “Randolph Robotics”
Sheila Chairvolotti, Champlain Shamrocks 4-H Club, “Champlain Shamrocks”
Elija Church, Bellows Falls Academy, “Electric Junkyard Science Band”
Stephen Farrington, Archytas Education Corp., “Archytas Education Corp.”
Chuck Hoffert, Montpelier Public Schools, “Capital Robotics”
Charlotte Holmquist, Ripton Elementary School,” Preserve Bee Biodiversity”
Chris Johnstone, Tuttle Middle School, FHTMS
Shawn Kasulka, East Montpelier Elementary School, “East Montpelier FIRST Robotic Team”
Bethany Morrissey, Salisbury Elementary School, “Salisbury School”
Mica Mutrux, Code for BTV, “Code for BTV”
Pike Porter, The Schoolhouse, “Schoolhouse Community Robotics”
Caryn Shield, Vermont Day School, “Vermont Day School”
Kimberly Barnhart, Archytas Education Corporation (Windsor County), “FIRST Robotics Team”
Sheila Chairvolotti, Aluminum Avian Antics (Grand Isle), “FTC Robotics Team”
Sheila Chairvolotti, Champlain Shamrocks 4-H (Grand Isle and South Hero), “4-H Robotics Project”
Joseph Chase, Essex Robotics Club, “Building a Better Robot”
Jill Coffrin, Dorothy-Alling Memorial Library (Williston), “Community Coding Challenge”
Mark Drapa, Westford FLL Robotics Club, “Global Innovation International Competition”
Amanda Wheeler, Green Mountain Robotics (Randolph), “FIRST Robotics”
Charles Zani, Randolph Union High School, “FIRST Robotics”