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2019 Spring Meeting at the Vermont State House


The VASE Spring meeting was held at the Vermont State House in Montpelier on Tuesday, April 30, 2019 from 4:30pm - 6:00pm. Many of VASE's 2018 Small Equipment and HOST grant recipients were in attendance. Their project exhibits and demonstrations were set up on tables all around the State House cafeteria as VASE members, guests, and dozens of state legislators or other state government officials visited each project station to engage in conversation with student/teacher presenters. The formal part of the meeting began when VASE President Grace Spatafora announced that VASE is accepting nominations for the next round of Outstanding Teaching in Science Awards for grades K-8 and 9-12, and that there would be an earlier call for VASE grant proposals this year. to allow teachers more time for submission. Newly inducted VASE member George Jensen then delivered a very interesting presentation on his research on inflammation and malnutrition, which was followed by an engaging question and answer session. VASE member Alan Betts also spoke briefly about global youth projects and climate change that stimulated some lively discussion.

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